Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


Camel O'Rama

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Paper that resulted from stencil cut...
Attached to recycled wallpaper card.


I found out some interesting things today.

The Lead in : I cold laminate every card so it arrives in one piece.

Today, The cool mailman (not the jerkwad that leaves just the postcards in the box) stopped by after completing his route.

He advised me that, if you laminate an item & mail it...The stamp must be on the outside of the lamination (well duh....8-( )
A card cannot be less than .009 inch thick
you must put a return address on everything that goes through the US Post Office - even postcards.

He also advised me that he is telling me all these wonderful facts because he noticed the art when he picks up the mail.
(not surprised cause the other guy never picks up the cards - just the other stuff)

He proceeded to tell me that his supervisor has 4 of my art cards hanging in his office on the wall.
They are all 365 cards & he will attempt to get the #'s from the backs

Because the stamps were under the lamination & stupid me forgot to return address those ones - they have become US Federal Government property.

In an effort to make me feel better, he proceeded to tell me that, because I labeled them as mail art, they will be submitted to the library of congress to receive a number & will be added the the US Federal Government's art assets.

This means that the federal government now owns what they claim as "Fine Art" that is mine.

It will be available to the general public via the freedom of information act in approximately 6 to 9 months.
It can also be viewed in the Library of Congress Archives in D.C. after it is labeled.

I am glad that I started signing everything because it gives me claim to any profits from the distribution of my "Fine Art"

Needless to say - some of you may not get those pieces - sorry
You will get one in the next round....

Interesting story you have there Camel. Well it's not that bad the fact that you will "exhibit" you "Fine Art" for in US Federal Government buildings ;-)

That is flippin nasty. Is there nothin you can do about this?

There is nothing that can be done.
I know you live in the UK...but you should know - when the US Government takes things, they don't give them back...

I mean, shouldn't Texas really be Mexico?

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