Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#5 (Andytgeezer)/#9 (Elenatgeezer) - Zen pond and Lotus flower

5 days ago, I started this piece, with the intention of making a piece of art with a fat marker pen. As everyone was making fish at the time as part of an unofficial "fish week" initiated by FarStarr I felt an urge to make a fish.

The koi carp made a lot of sense on this card and the result was fairly pleasing to the eye. But I felt something was missing. So I got the glue out and stuck tissue paper around the outline. This was still wet so day 5 was missed, but I did still feel that this piece belonged to day 5. The next day I returned to the piece and splattered 2 tubes of cheap paint all over it. I've never really used paint so didn't really know what I was doing but I just knew I wanted an emerald pond effect. I had no idea it would take so long to dry, so it couldn't go up for days 7 or 8 either.

When Elena saw the end product she too wasn't too happy and wanted to add something, so days 9 and 10 were out too, as she worked on the quilled lotus flower.

So this piece is a joint effort beteeen me and Elena, 2 days late for her, 6 days late for me, but still numbered #5/#9 anyway!

This is Elenas first 3 dimensional piece and she's really pleased with the effect.

#5 (Andytgeezer)/#9 (Elenatgeezer) - Zen pond and Lotus flower

This is on it's way to Dumpsterdiversanonymous, who has been a longtime contributor of fine mailart to my REAL wall


So, are you mailing that as is? or in an envelope? It's beautiful!

I didn't realize I started a wave of fish.. :) , but it's wonderful!

The lotus is beautiful, Elena. I hope it makes it safely across the pond.

Thanks Box652. We're putting it in an envelope as the quilling is so delicate. Still trying to work out exactly how to pack it but we hope it will have the wow factor when it's opened

Oh gorgeous teamwork!! Love it!

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