Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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14 - Outlines


14 - Outlines, originally uploaded by andytgeezer.

Inspired by Keira Pannells recent outline pictures. I wanted to have the same effect, so I used tracing paper and some sticky address labels.

I tried to leave the label spacing to retain the scale, but perhaps should have closed the gap.


Inspired by me? Yay! I agree about closing the gap - it would have allowed the lines to flow together. I like it.

Inspired by you indeed Keira! I really like the way that your images included only the most important lines, yet an image was still tangible and the emotion was still retained. Great stuff! You'll probably see more attempts at this, and next time I'll close that gap.

I like the gap.

I think the gap shows the connection with the original. I know that my mate Stew always wears orange, but without seeing the original you wouldn't know that. I wanted there to be fusion between the two images. However, I think that the visible face may be off-putting? Perhaps it brings in too much detail?

Who would have thought a gap could be so divisive ;-)

Man, I'm not trying to be hypercritical in being the sole voice for closing the gap. It's just the art teacher within - I'm always looking for unity and balance in a composition.

Or, as my students might interpret that bit of pablum: wha whan wha wha whan (much like the teacher in Charlie Brown) ;)

A link for you all to enjoy:

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