Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


Fi's #1: sad about losin' john

30 years ago today we lost John Lennon. I was 25. No artist's death has meant more to me. It was just so tragic. He was happy, and he was making music.

The likeness is kinda lame, but there's feeling in it. This is the back of an envie going to the Western Cape of South Africa.

Since I'm new, I guess I'm 'sposed to introduce myself. I'm Fiona "Fi" Webster (Fi is pronounced "fee"), a 55-yr-old nonfiction writer, artist, & retired physician. I'm from Houston, Texas, but right now I live in Maryland--just outside the DC Beltway. I've been doin' mail art all my life, I guess, but only thinking of it as "mail art" =smile= since early 2009. My quiver of techniques doesn't have many arrows in it yet, but I hope to add more with time. This 365 thing will be a great excuse for experimenting!

Speakin' of experimenting, if anyone wants to try out their mail art on me, my address is on my page at IUOMA. =grin=

Welcome to Mailart365 Fi! You pipped me to it, I was just about to start a John Lennon piece, but I will make something else now! Doh!

DO make a John Lennon piece, Andy! I hope LOTS of people make John Lennon pieces over the next day or so. Imagine.....

Working on it right now Fi. Won't be long...

Working on it right now Fi. Won't be long...

It's a beautiful drawing, Fi.

My John Lennon related effort is rather London-centric. What a sad loss his passing was, I can only imagine

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