Mailart 365 has moved
Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there158 - eBay packaging
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Last year Sharpies were selling really cheaply at Rymans, so I decided to buy a few to sell online at a profit. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
I'm still selling them one at a time a year later, at a rate of about 3 a month.
I do still think that sending blank packages is really dull, so I've resolved to decorate all my outgoing eBay packages
I am that damned fool 26 March 2012 (#379)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
"At an auction in 1904, the future King of England paid a world-record price for a single stamp when he acquired a Mauritius 2d blue for £1,450. Reportedly, one of George's secretaries had read about the record-breaking purchase in the newspaper, and remarked to the Prince that "some damned fool" had parted with an exceptional amount of money for just one stamp. His Royal Highness is said to have replied, "I am that damned fool." Oops!
craftgasm, week 13
Thursday, March 29, 2012
89/365, handmade postcard with ad from a Chinese dance troupe (the same one the leaping lady came from), newspaper ad from honeymoon ephemera, security envelope, cancelled postage, washi tape, and St. George. Sent to Abs via SendSomething.

90/365, decorated envelope with birthday card inside. Vancouver transit flyer image (same as from here), washi tape, and map. Ready for sending to Cyrus in Maryland.

91/365, decorated envelope with birthday card inside. Museum brochure, washi tape, security envelope, and map. Ready for sending to Lauren in Baltimore.

92/365, decorated envelope with birthday card inside. insert from magazine, washi tape, and map. Ready for sending to Kelly in Arlington.

90/365, decorated envelope with birthday card inside. Vancouver transit flyer image (same as from here), washi tape, and map. Ready for sending to Cyrus in Maryland.

91/365, decorated envelope with birthday card inside. Museum brochure, washi tape, security envelope, and map. Ready for sending to Lauren in Baltimore.

92/365, decorated envelope with birthday card inside. insert from magazine, washi tape, and map. Ready for sending to Kelly in Arlington.

#174 Name that creature!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tomorrow I'm beginning a project at a new school. The Headteacher visualised the product way before I had any ideas. This is me trying to interpret what I think she wants me to do with the kids. Tough to get into someone else's head but I sspect that's what some teachers expect the kids they teach to do. The goal is to get them looking for monsters or creatures on this beautiful walk we will take to Holbrook Creek. Then they will draw the creatures they imagine, inspired by some of the natural forms - catkins in this case. what would you call this guy?